Meet the team… Ibby Mahmood

Mansell is a people business.

We are who we are because of our fantastic roster of passionate professionals who enable us to deliver cutting-edge work for our clients. In our “Meet the Team” series, we’re pulling back the curtain and introducing you to some of the people who make the magic happen.

This month, we’re speaking to our Strategic Growth manager, Ibby Mahmood.

A relatively fresh face at Mansell, Ibby sits at the heart of our efforts to grow the business, building relationships, spreading the word of our work and helping us reach new audiences. Here’s what he had to say when we sat down with him.

What was your first day like?

On my first day, I was both excited and nervous. The atmosphere and energy in the office was really welcoming as my new colleagues introduced themselves and immediately made me feel comfortable.

Why did you join the company?

I met Angela at a Networking event last year. When I heard she was looking for a new Strategic Growth Manager I reached out to her.

We immediately hit it off and I believe Angela’s expectations for the role matched my ambition and style of work.

The open communication, direction and aspirations gave me a real good feeling about Mansell Building Solutions.

Fish n Chips or Sunday Roast?

Definitely a Sunday Roast, with all the trimmings.

What’s your favourite hobby?

I enjoy playing football. I play 7 a side twice a week.

Are you a red or a blue?

It’s not easy at the moment but I am a RED.

What makes you smile?

My 2 beautiful children.

Describe your perfect Saturday?

My perfect Saturday would definitely start with a lie in (hasn’t happened for 4 years)

A big fry up with the family. An afternoon walk and maybe some ice cream.

Back in time for the 5.30 Kick Off followed by a Boxing or UFC event. And not me putting the kids to bed!


We’ll be back again next month with another meet the team piece. See you then!


Meet the team… Shaun Gayle


Meet the team… Connor Hawkins