Meet the team… Glenn Edwards

We are who we are because of our fantastic roster of passionate professionals who enable us to deliver cutting-edge work for our clients. In our “Meet the Team” series, we’re pulling back the curtain and introducing you to some of the people who make the magic happen.

This month, we’re speaking to Senior Buyer, Glenn Edwards.

What do you do at Mansell?

I'm here as a Senior Buyer. I handle the procurement of materials and plant items for the business. That's it in its simplest terms.

Day to day I liaise with suppliers, procuring materials like plasterboard, metal framing materials and Concrete for the floor decking along with any necessary tools/plant items required.

You need to be a good negotiator and an effective communicator. It's important to get along with both the people you're buying from and those you're dealing with on-site. It pays to be a people person!

Can you talk about your path into this industry?

Interestingly, I did a fine art degree, which is about as far removed from construction as you can get. After university, I moved back home and my dad, who had been a buyer in the industry for a long time, needed an assistant where he was working. I initially joined him for six months, and here I am, 27 years later, still doing it. It wasn't planned, but it was a happy case of me falling into something I never thought of doing.

Before Mansell, I was with a company that primarily built care homes and high-rise build-to-rent apartments. Before that, I was with a civil engineering contractor in Liverpool.

What motivates you in your job?

I enjoy haggling with people, saving money, and doing the best for the company. That's what I’m here to do, try and save money while supporting the team to deliver fantastic work for our clients.

What drew you to Mansell initially?

Mansell's ethos is very people-friendly. Coming from an environment that wasn't, Mansell felt like a breath of fresh air the minute I met Angela and Steph. It's a great place to work and refreshing to work with colleagues who share the same ethos.

How are you engaging with Mansell’s Social Value pledge?

The social value side of Mansell is something that people might not associate with the construction sector but as soon as I joined I knew it was embedded in the DNA of the company. I haven’t got my pledges set in stone yet but I’m committed to doing my bit this year so watch this space!

Are you a football fan?

Yes, I support Everton. It’s a proper labour of love.

Outside of work, do you have any hobbies or passions?

I've got a degree in fine arts, so I paint. I've got a little website, Glenn Arts, where I do portraits. I've always painted but picked it back up seriously during the furlough period in COVID. I find portrait painting to be quite fulfilling, especially when I manage to create a decent likeness.

On top of that, we’ve recently got a dog, which keeps us quite occupied and gets us out walking more. We live close to the office so there are lots of nice places to walk around Rivington, especially near the reservoirs which are just a five-minute drive from us.


It's been great getting to know Glenn a little better and seeing how his unique background and interests contribute to his role here at Mansell. Stay tuned for more insights from other team members in future editions of our "Meet the Team" series.


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